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Unless otherwise stated, all blog posts are my fault! David Wardell

It’s a Tricorder Jim, but not as we know it..!
A spin-off company from Tel Aviv University, Unispectral Technologies, promises to unveil their prototype ‘Tricorder’ this month. They...

Call for Nominations...
The British Female Inventor and Innovator the Year (BFIIN) is now in its 13th year. Entry is now open and nominations are sought. ...

WHO endorses invention
Over the years I’ve met many inventors who have proudly shown me their safety inventions and then uttered the dread words: “All we have...
Innovation is the New Status Quo
My hat’s off to the European Patent Office for managing to do ‘cool’! Who would have thought that a fusty old Patent Office had it in...

That's the way to Braigo!
A thirteen year old California schoolboy has invented a low cost braille printer using components sourced from his toybox. Shubham...

Dynamic Dyson – an inspiration for all inventors
It’s the end of the year and most of us are looking forward to the challenges of the New Year. News about James Dyson, announced today,...

Inventing for Santa!
In all fields of human endeavour and interest there are patents to reflect inventive thinking – Christmas is no exception! There are...

Inventor food for thought - Quote of the day...
#humour #invention #photo

Inventing for the disabled? Your chance to win support - with a top prize of £50,000!
It’s not often that I can recommend an initiative from Nesta – the National Endowment for Science, Technology and the Arts. I was one of...

James Dyson Award - Finalists Announced...
With only a few weeks to go before the winners are announced, the James Dyson Foundation have released a list of the twenty finalists who...
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